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You Were Born To Win!

Do not underestimate the value of your life. You were born to win.

In fact you were made on purpose, for a purpose!

33 years ago I had all my dreams crushed along with my body in a near fatal car accident.

The best I could do at the time was get a job as a janitor in a Brooklyn School.

I didn’t give up and chose some mentors. Well I chose their books because I didn’t know them. :-)

33 years later I was asked by my friend Tom Ziglar to give my testimony oh how his dad, Zig Ziglar touched my life.

Iron Man gives you the tools to help you change your body and your life. I know from experience that the same tools we use to build our bodies like goal setting, discipline, perseverance and the ability to fail and keep going are the same tools you can use to change your whole life.

You were born to win as well! Now go do something about it!

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